Multi-talented artist and educator Pat Watson lives, breathes and celebrates the creative spirit across the spectrum of experience, from the traditional studio arts of drawing and painting to digital design, animation, video and ambient music; from deeply personal explorations in the borderlands of surrealist vision to technically skillful interpretations of the natural world.

By following any of the links below (still working on it) or to the left, you can share in this creative adventure. If you enjoy what you find, there are educational opportunities, purchasing options or you can just wander through and discover portals to a unique realm of perception and expression, something a bit unlike anything you’ve come across before. Please email me if you have any questions. My email address is on the contact page.

California Watercolor Paintings

Perfect Patient Project

Southwestern Surreal Symbolism Paintings

Poetic Experimental Animations

Contact Information & Resume

Poetry and Image Scrolls

Impressionist & Expressive Action Paintings

California Central Coast Photo Galleries


Artist’s Statement

Artist’s Bio